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Corporate Partners

                                            is pleased and proud to partner with the following outstanding corporate partners that

support sustainable development around the world.

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With FileShadow you can gather all of your photos, files, email messages, and attachments, from cloud storage accounts, email accounts, desktop, and mobile devices into one secure vault. Of course finding those files later can be an issue, so we provide a powerful search engine that lets you find what you are looking for using what is in each file, not just by an unknown filename.

We also provide you with the ability to share files with an unlimited number of unique websites with (optional) password access and automatic expiration keeping you in control of your photos and files.

Using our Mac and Windows desktop apps, you can edit your files locally and we will keep track of all of the revisions. Add custom tags, geolocation, descriptions, and to make searching much more accurate.

Available on Web, macOS and Windows desktop, iPhone and iPad. Check it out!

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The finest in development of 5 star properties and resorts.

Residetial and commerical.

"So powerful is the Light of Unity that it can illuminate the whole world"

- Baha 'U' Llah

Our Mission

EHA partners with impoverished communities, sustainable development charities, appropriate government entities and trusted active-travel providers to offer unique and exceptional experiences in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the United States.  

Our Mission

Our Mantra

Collaboration vs. Competition.

The time has come to partner and support each other in our charitable efforts. Too much money is spent in overhead and administrative cost and not enough going directly to those who we serve. Epic Heart Adventures is seeking like-minded partners where we can leverage resources to optimize impact at the end of the line.

We can provide productive project-based expeditions to help organizations broaden their impact with out them having to build out and staff an expedition department. They get an experienced, professionally designed and delivered expedition for their interested donors and sponsors with out having to invest in the development of such support. It will build stronger ties and an understanding of their projects to donors and sponsors.

We Need Your Support Today!

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Subscribe below so that when the time is right to travel, donate or help others, you will be up-to-date on announcements for expeditions and smart partner programs.

We NEVER share any of your contact information, without your authorization!

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