Service Organizations
is pleased and proud to partner with the following outstanding service organization partners that support sustainable development and other important objectives around the worldaround the world.

Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research (GIOSTAR), headquartered in San Diego, California (U.S.A.), was formed with the vision to provide stem cell based therapy to aid those suffering from degenerative or genetic diseases around the world.
"So powerful is the Light of Unity that it can illuminate the whole world"
- Baha 'U' Llah
Our Mission
Poverty is more than a bank statement, it can be a deficit in spirit, knowledge, health and outlook. Part of empowering others to lift themselves out of poverty has to include all of these phases of life. Partners like GIOSTAR are using state-of-the-art research in Regenerative medicine that has been called the "next evolution of medical treatments," by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “With its potential to heal, this new field of science is expected to revolutionize health care.”

Our Mantra
Collaboration vs. Competition.
The time has come to partner and support each other in our charitable efforts. Too much money is spent in overhead and administrative cost and not enough going directly to those who we serve. Epic Heart Adventures is seeking like-minded partners where we can leverage resources to optimize impact at the end of the line.
We can provide productive project-based expeditions to help organizations broaden their impact with out them having to build out and staff an expedition department. They get an experienced, professionally designed and delivered expedition for their interested donors and sponsors with out having to invest in the development of such support. It will build stronger ties and an understanding of their projects to donors and sponsors.